Everson Museum of art
American Ceramics & Ceramic National Exhibition Archive
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San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Ceramic National Exhibition Archive
5th Ceramic National Exhibition: Photographic Materials: Photographs of Circuit Exhibition at San Francisco Museum of Art, 1937
12th Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence, Regional Juries Information, and other material, 1947-1948
12th Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence with Regional Centers, 1947-1948
18th Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence, Regional Centers, Budgets, and other material, 1953-1954; (contains publicity)
19th Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence, Contracts, and other material for Circuit Exhibition at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1954; 1956-1959; (contains publicity and photographs)
21st Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence and other material for Regional Center Location, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1959-1960
21st Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Exhibition Entry Remarks, 1960
22nd Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence and other material with Regional Center Location, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1962
23rd Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence for Exhibition Catalog Distribution, 1964-1965
23rd Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence, Exhibition Contract, and other material for Circuit Exhibition at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1963-1965; (contains publicity)
23rd Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence with Regional Center Location, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1963-1964, 1966
24th Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Entry Forms and Entry Remarks and other material, San Francisco Regional Center Location, 1966
24th Ceramic National Exhibition: Exhibition Records: Correspondence and other material with San Francisco Regional Center, 1965-1966
General Files: Exhibition Records: Lists of Jurors and other material, n.d., 1951
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R. Guy Cowan
Thelma Winter Frazier
William Hull
Dorothy Liebes
Glen Lukens
Anna Wetherwill Olmsted
Antonio Prieto
Carl Ludwig Schmitz
Don Schreckengost
William W. Swallow
Peter Voulkos
and 4 more
Cincinnati Art Museum
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cooper Union For The Advancement Of Science And Art
Dayton Art Institute
Everson Museum of Art
Flint Institute of Arts
George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum
High Museum of Art
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Memorial Art Gallery
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Mt. San Antonio College
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Philadelphia Commercial Museum
Royal Ontario Museum
San Diego Museum of Art
Southern Illinois University
Tucson Art Center
University of Georgia Museum of Art
University of Michigan, Museum of Art
University of Nebraska, Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery
University Of Washington, Henry Art Gallery
Walker Art Center
and 16 more
1st Ceramic National Exhibition
2nd Ceramic National Exhibition
3rd Ceramic National Exhibition
4th Ceramic National Exhibition
5th Ceramic National Exhibition
6th Ceramic National Exhibition
7th Ceramic National Exhibition
8th Ceramic National Exhibition
9th Ceramic National Exhibition
10th Ceramic National Exhibition
11th Ceramic National Exhibition
12th Ceramic National Exhibition
13th Ceramic National Exhibition
14th Ceramic National Exhibition
15th Ceramic National Exhibition
18th Ceramic National Exhibition
19th Ceramic National Exhibition
20th Ceramic International Exhibition
21st Ceramic National Exhibition
5th Architectural Ceramic Sculpture Competition
22nd Ceramic National Exhibition
23rd Ceramic National Exhibition
24th Ceramic National Exhibition
and 16 more
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